Our commitments

Our actions


At Oniro, our commitment goes far beyond simply selling drinks. We have chosen to replant trees ourselves, directly, without going through external partners. It's a carefully considered decision, motivated by our desire to ensure a real impact, from seed to forest. 

Every tree planted is a gesture of hope, a promise for future generations. By doing this, we eliminate unnecessary costs and ensure that each replanted tree is perfectly integrated into its natural environment.

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...and water

But our work doesn't stop there. Every year, we dig wells in remote villages, often forgotten by the world, where the inhabitants still travel dozens of kilometres to find drinking water. Providing this source of life means restoring dignity to these families and enabling their children to go to school rather than walking for hours to fetch water. Our initiatives are not just projects, they are acts of love and solidarity. 

We firmly believe that everyone deserves access to clean water and that protecting nature is our collective responsibility.

Engagements - eau

For future generations

In addition to these efforts, Oniro actively supports a dozen orphanages in Tanzania, Malaysia and Indonesia. We provide school equipment, renew worn-out mattresses, renovate dormitories and improve access to running water and showers.

We want every child to have the chance to grow up in dignified conditions that are conducive to their development.

Engagements - monde

By acting directly, without intermediaries, we preserve the integrity of our mission and ensure that every effort counts. Replanting trees, building wells and supporting orphanages: these are simple actions, but they have the power to transform lives, restore hope and create a better world, one gesture at a time.

Our values

Nature is at the heart of everything we do, and our commitment to protecting it guides every innovation we undertake.

By raising awareness of the importance of a sustainable future, we are taking concrete action in five important areas: preserving our alpine spring, continually improving our packaging to have a lighter footprint, actively reducing our environmental impact with zero plastic, zero cork, zero waste, 100% aluminium and 100% recyclable cans, replanting trees around the world and bringing ecological solutions to remote villages, and funding and supporting orphanages in Africa and Asia. At Oniro, we believe that nothing is more essential than helping children. When we think of water, we think first and foremost of human beings, especially the most vulnerable.

Environmental Commitment

We are proud to be pioneering new innovations aimed at protect and preserve our environmentwhile also raising awareness of the need for a a more sustainable future. It starts with our brand and three areas of work: preserving our source in the Alps, continually developing more sustainable packaging and efficient recycling, and reducing our climate impact. In 2020, Oniro brand products were certified carbon neutral by The Carbon Trust.

A Sustainable Commitment for the Future

Every day, around 21,600 tonnes of plastic end up in the oceans. By choosing Oniro, you're choosing 100% natural water in fully recyclable aluminium packaging, helping to reduce plastic waste. 

Together, we're fighting the pollution that is undermining our planet. Oniro is more than a brand: it's a vision, a dream of purity and harmony with nature. This dream is rooted in our name, which comes from the Greek word "oniro" (ονείρο), meaning dream. This dream inspires us every day to protect our environment.

A responsible source that respects nature

We have chosen to draw Oniro's water from a natural source, far from any intensive industrial exploitation. Unlike large-scale practices that draw water indiscriminately, threatening the natural resources of the water tables, Oniro protects the natural reserves and preserves the needs of the surrounding villages. With Oniro, we value quality over quantity, as part of a respectful and sustainable approach. Our commitment goes far beyond water: we place the planet's well-being at the heart of every product, so that every choice we make is a gesture in favour of the environment.
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ONIRO, a guarantee of quality

pH neutre

Tout commence sur les cimes majestueuses des Alpes suisses, où la glace millénaire libère une eau pure. De là, elle entame un voyage fascinant, serpentant à travers torrents impétueux, lacs miroitants et sources vivifiantes. Cette origine préservée est le secret de l’exceptionnelle qualité de l’eau en Suisse.

Bien plus qu’un simple élément du quotidien, elle raconte une histoire, celle d’un parcours naturel d’une rare richesse. Ainsi, à chaque gorgée, c’est un peu de ce périple alpin qui s’invite dans votre verre, rafraîchissant à la fois le corps et l’esprit.

Where can you find us?

Discover our drinks that combine freshness, energy and purity in every sip! Whether you're looking for natural hydration or a boost of vitality, we're here to support you every step of the way. Thanks to a carefully selected distribution network, our products are available wherever you need them: supermarkets, grocery shops, gyms, and even online for maximum convenience. We believe that everyone deserves a drink that suits them, whether it's a revitalising break or a moment of relaxation.

Consult our interactive map and find your nearest point of sale. Explore our options and fill up on energy, wherever you are. Your next refreshment is just around the corner!